A Scripting Language for Web, Linux and Windows

A Scripting Language for Web, Linux and Windows

File functions

The following file and directory functions are supported. The file functions are compatible with theire PHP pendants.

Function/Arguments Return Description
fopen (string filename, string mode="r") handle Open or create a file named with filename. If parameter mode is not given then the file will be opened with read only permissions, otherwise the modes are equal to PHP/C fopen(): r, r+, w+, a, a+, x, x+ (c, c+, e are not implemented!). For detailed description read PHP file modes. On success the file handle is returned, otherwise null is returned an a warning is shown. The following special filenames are possible: 'v1://stdin' = standard input, 'v1://stdout' = standard output, 'v1://stderr' = standard error
fwrite (handle file, string string [, number length]) number Write a string into the given file . If parameter length is not given then the full string is written, otherwise the specified number of bytes are written. On success the number of written bytes is returned, otherwise false is returned and a warning is shown.
fread (handle file, string& string [, number length=0xFFFF]) number Read data from the given file into a string variable. The parameter string must be a reference to a variable. If length is not set then it tries to read 64 KB from the file. On success the number of read bytes is returned, otherwise false is returned.
fgets (handle file) string Read a line until Ascii 13=\n from file . On success the read line is returned. If the end of file is reached false is returned.
freadln (handle file, string& string) bool Read a line until Ascii 13=\n from file into a given string variable. The parameter string must be a reference to a variable. On success true is returned. If the end of file is reached false is returned.
fclose (handle file) bool Close the file. On success true is returned.
feof (handle file) bool Return true if the end of the file is reached and no more data can be read.
ftell (handle file) number Return the current position of file pointer (read bytes).
fseek (handle file, number position) bool Set the file pointer to a position beginning from 0. On success true is returned.
filesize (string filename) number Return the file size of a given filename. If the file is not found false is returned.
filemtime (string filename) number Return timestamp of last modification of filename. If the file is not found false is returned.
filectime (string filename) number Return timestamp of creation of filename. If the file is not found false is returned.
fileatime (string filename) number Return timestamp of last access of filename. If the file is not found false is returned.
touch (string filename, number filemtime=time() [, number fileatime]) bool Set modification time filemtime and optional access time fileatime to filename. On success true is returned.
file_exists (string path) bool Return true if a given path is a file or directory.
is_file (string path) bool Return true if a given path is a file.
is_dir (string path) bool Return true if a given path is a directory.
filetype (string path) string Return the type of a given path. Possible return values: 'dir' = Directory; 'file' = File; false = not found
unlink (string filename) bool Delete a file named with flename. On success true is returned.
rename (string fromFilename, string toFilename) bool Rename (move) a file fromFilename toFilename. On success true is returned.
copy (string fromFilename, string toFilename) bool Copy a file fromFilename toFilename. The file will be dublicated. On success true is returned.
basename (string path) string Return the base name without directory of a given path. For example: c:\projects\v1\v1.exe will return v1.exe
dirname (string path) string Return the directory of a given path. For example: c:\projects\v1\v1.exe will return c:\projects\v1
pathinfo (string path) array Same as PHP pathinfo (). Return an array with information about the given path. For example: c:\projects\v1\v1.exe will return: array ( 'dirname' => 'c:\projects\v1', 'basename' => 'v1.exe', 'extension' => 'exe', 'filename' => 'v1' )
realpath (string path) string Return the absolute system path of a given relative path. For example: ./v1.exe will return c:\projects\v1\v1.exe. realpath() does not work for files with length 0 and non readable files.
fileno (handle file) number Return the system file descriptor of the V1 file or socket handle. This number can be given to external native functions, see Native function calling.

Directory functions

See also example Read directory.

Function/Arguments Return Description
getcwd () string Return the current working directory.
chdir (string directory) bool Set the current working directory. On success true is returned. Note: The default working directory is the directory of calling v1.exe. To determine the directory of current V1 file use: dirname(__FILE__)
mkdir (string directory) bool Create a new directory. On success true is returned.
rmdir (string directory) bool Remove a directory if its empty. On success true is returned.
opendir (string directory) handle Open a directory to read containing filenames and sub directories. On success a directory handle is returned, otherwise null is returned.
readdir (handle directory) string Read the next filename from a directory handle. On success the filename or sub directory is returned. If the last entry was read then false is returned.
closedir (handle directory) bool Close a directory handle. On success true is returned.

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V1 Version 0.96 - Documentation generated Sun, 05 May 2024 07:59